Thursday, December 30, 2010


lets talk about bestfriend..bestie..
My Friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!

i got alots of friend..
but they're my close friend..
 my teddybear

kami kenal kat universiti
orangnya sensitif tapi sangat manja..
sangat protective dan yang penting dia sangat sayang saya
oh ya.. dia cats lover.
still remember she bring sweet little cat.."junior" 
at our rent house... 
all of us take care of junior..
hopefully, soon.. rayyan akan dapat adik..ahaks

bart and abby

hehe.. sweet couple ever
we're best friend ever
bart sangat talented dalam semua perkara
so do like abby..
from mekap, andaman, spa and whatever..
they're good match and combination


my teddy bear .. my booster
bibi...and hannah and humaam are family.. ahaks
sangat jelita orangnya.. baik hati 
dan sangat berjimat cermat biler perlu
tapi bila shopping... fushh... 


my only friend since i was so small..
we're like family,
zam, sara, iqbal a're happy family
now.. they got new baby
baby pink.. yeayy
irdina al-bahiyyah
such a sweet girl 


my high school friend
my huggies buggies.. hukhuk
sangat penyayang dan sangat kelakar bila perlu
sentiasa ada untuk aku
sekrang duk kl.. jadi tukang xray 
banyak-banyak orang kat kl
aku harap dia jumpa jodoh yang ala-ala fahrin ahmad kat sana

my sweet little sister..lovely person as well
kaklin happy for you
u got your love already
happy for your new car..nanti boleh bawak kaklin ronda-ronda
happy for you and your mr darl
looking forward for your big day.
rindu sangat nak tengok wayang ngan aien lagi. muahs


6 surat cinta ♥ :

voice of heart said...

auww...sweetnyer~ terharu ien..tQ kak lin..ien pun sgt rindu nak tgk wayang and makan2 ngan kak lin...=)
rindu bangat...tak sbr kak lin stay KL...nanti boleh ien kaco kak lin selalu...wahahhaa

linn said...

ien.. sila tunggu jun 2011 ye. :)

voice of heart said...

june 2011...hee 4june is my birthday...woww...yes..i will wait...=)

voice of heart said...
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Unknown said...

owchh!menitik air mata ini membacanye-patutler..i'm a sensitive & manja ala2..

hakhakhakkk, haruslah makcik wess, kita sama2 sayang, kannn?

linn said...

aien.- . OMG..that gonna be the date. 04 june..

makcik- adalah benar seperti dikata. muahs muahs. gituwww