Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 memory lane

jenuh jugak la nak ingat balik apa yang berlaku
sepanjang 2010 
this is last post for 2010

1.jan.2010 aku tukar status kat facebook
dari single to in a relationship
ke macau dan sempat ke hongkong
 utk holiday business
best dapat tgk twin kat sana.. its "panda"

pertama kali jadi model 
model pengantin.. tak pasal-pasal
semua nih kawan aku, bart yer pasal
tolong kawan-kawan la.
agak comel aku disitu..ahaks

amber lahir baby kitten
that snowie,cullen and merlin

oh my birthday
im turn to 29.. so young 
thanks abby and boo for cake.
~happy birthday, linn~

jalan-jalan tgk negara orang
oh australia. gold coast onboard
agak  best disana tgk koala bear

pertama kali tag chinese wedding
agak best... pertama kali tgk chinese kahwin

oh spain menang okeh.. oyeahhh
world cup time

dah bulan puasa.. so kuruslah sket
hehe takyah nak diet dah
boo birthday.
~happy birthday, love~
~happy birthday, sis~
~happy birthday, qaseh~
oh no, they all august rain

mengamuk ngan maxis
bill melambung cam hape.. benci maxis
ke guangzhou, china
again is business trip

al-fatihah untuk ayahanda abby
my best buddy
kerat rambut..ahhh pendek sudahhh

dah raya aldiladha
pertama kali malam raya kena keje..arghh boss kejam
esoknya balik kampung.. 
pertama kali berjalan-jalan ke rumah boo
agak segan dan tersipu-sipu disitu
cullen dapat mama baru.. 
cullen dah jadi kucim kolumpo skrg
amber beranak lagi.. eden dan cullen
3 lagi mati.. pramatang. sob sob sob

my engagement day
finally..  yeayyyy
to my apple of my eyes..
i heart you.. so much ..
more than u love your one piece cartoon..grrr

tomorrow... 2011
for sure alots of 2010 memory 
but this time for more challenge to come
hopefully, everything just fine.
and hopefully my status gonna turn to married. 

clap for myself... im good for all along 


Thursday, December 30, 2010


lets talk about bestfriend..bestie..
My Friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!

i got alots of friend..
but they're my close friend..
 my teddybear

kami kenal kat universiti
orangnya sensitif tapi sangat manja..
sangat protective dan yang penting dia sangat sayang saya
oh ya.. dia cats lover.
still remember she bring sweet little cat.."junior" 
at our rent house... 
all of us take care of junior..
hopefully, soon.. rayyan akan dapat adik..ahaks

bart and abby

hehe.. sweet couple ever
we're best friend ever
bart sangat talented dalam semua perkara
so do like abby..
from mekap, andaman, spa and whatever..
they're good match and combination


my teddy bear .. my booster
bibi...and hannah and humaam are family.. ahaks
sangat jelita orangnya.. baik hati 
dan sangat berjimat cermat biler perlu
tapi bila shopping... fushh... 


my only friend since i was so small..
we're like family,
zam, sara, iqbal a're happy family
now.. they got new baby
baby pink.. yeayy
irdina al-bahiyyah
such a sweet girl 


my high school friend
my huggies buggies.. hukhuk
sangat penyayang dan sangat kelakar bila perlu
sentiasa ada untuk aku
sekrang duk kl.. jadi tukang xray 
banyak-banyak orang kat kl
aku harap dia jumpa jodoh yang ala-ala fahrin ahmad kat sana

my sweet little sister..lovely person as well
kaklin happy for you
u got your love already
happy for your new car..nanti boleh bawak kaklin ronda-ronda
happy for you and your mr darl
looking forward for your big day.
rindu sangat nak tengok wayang ngan aien lagi. muahs


Wednesday, December 29, 2010


hari nih sehari kat office
kerja akaun aku tak sentuh
semuanya gara-gara 
cubaan nak jadi designer

sebenarnya cita-cita jadi designer
tak pernah ada dalam list aku
kalau peguam tu ada la..
tapi tak berapa nak cerdik pulak
so takleh nak jadi peguam
nak jadi doktor.. kan bau darah
tgk orang luka sana sini.aku naik seriau pulak..
so biarlah aku keje akaun cam sekarang

hari nih pertama kali buat design.
buat design kad kahwin sendiri
tapi photo-photo tu orang lain punya la

hasilnya... biar lah rahsia. ahaks


anyone..just click here.more wedding card to see
cute and exclusive card


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

azam tahun baru

lagi 4 hari nak tahun baru
semua duk terfikir azam tahun baru.
aku pun sama..
tapi kebanyakkannya azam tahun2 sebelumnya
belum terlaksana pun jugak.. hukhuk

apapun azam tahun baru

 nak kumpul duit banyak2.. nak kawin. ( malu malu)
 nak plan untuk beli rumah lepas kawin
oh my sony alpha jangan lupa..nak upgrade bodynya.. hukhuk
 nak tido awal. taknak jadi panda 
 kuruskan berat badan yer.. im getting fat

so far tu je azam yang aku terfikir
buat masa sekarang nih
apapun. aku harap.. akan tercapai la impian aku tu



Sunday, December 26, 2010

sleepy kitten collection photo

that was nothing to do at home
lucky me coz i got kitten and cats
the most wonderful time to see is
when they are playing
and when they are... sleeping

here my collection of sleepy cats
using my iphone.
(sorry for not clear photo)

can u imagine.. how i want to take my bath ?

cats like lion... that Berlin.. my mum cat at hometown.. so adorable


 can u see eden... like that also can.

hihi..they are so cute when sleepy head..

video of darice...sleepy darice


Friday, December 24, 2010

cartoon wedding card -part 2

hari nih sedang aku duk melayan movie
kat office pasal takda kerja sangat
aku survey lagi card kahwin
oh no...
sangat la comel ..

kali nih mmg buat aku pening..

korang tgk la..
sweet cartoon card

oh comel nyer... yang kat bawah nih paling comel

harga kad
2000 kpg : RM 0.60
1500 kpg : RM 0.65
1000 kpg : RM 0.70
0750 kpg : RM 0.90
0500 kpg : RM 1.20

klik here

comel kan..kan kan...